Connecticut Preparedness 

A community of Connecticut neighbors discussing topics important for preparedness and self-reliance.

Build a new rifle? Buy a new hand gun? Post pics of your pride and joy firearms here.
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By Hddreamer
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By Hddreamer
Thanks vin, still trying to figure out why I can't post the picture right to the forum 8O
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By Hddreamer
I got photo bucket up and running again so I have been switching the links to photos ☺
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By Hddreamer
I'm going to start working on those scratches .they look alot worse than they are , little scotchbrite should do the trick
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By Hddreamer
Yeah this one is getting kicked out come Saturday it's up for bid on ebay , someone bid on it so it looks like it will be leaving the family
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By Hddreamer
Yeah i ran inyo a issue with buck and swore to myself that i would get rid of all my buck knives ,i cant stand a company that says one thing then does another ........I know there's a lot of them out there but I found some knife company's that have been good on there word ,and to me that means a lot!

I hope there are still some plants available. Our […]

Spring Soon

The weather is getting better. Dust off your 2 whe[…]

Snow on the way!

Looks like another snow fall for CT this weekend. […]

Independance Day

Happy Independence Day to all the Patriots here on[…]

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