Connecticut Preparedness 

A community of Connecticut neighbors discussing topics important for preparedness and self-reliance.

All hand gun related issues and questions which are not covered in another specialized forum.
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By Hddreamer
Just thought I would throw this question out there ,
I'm looking for a gamo CFR shipped for under 250 anybody out there know of a place with good prices ? Any help would be appreciated thanks ,
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By Hddreamer
I seen on gun broker the only problem is that you have to pay shipping , then 2.5-3% for credit card , I had a gamo whisper but the accuracy wasn't that great I don't think the lockup on the barrel was that good the cfr is all one piece seems really good the YouTube review was pretty impressive I'll probably go to gun broker but figured maybe someone out there might know of a local place
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By Hddreamer
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By SR9
Hddreamer wrote:I seen on gun broker the only problem is that you have to pay shipping , then 2.5-3% for credit card , I had a gamo whisper but the accuracy wasn't that great I don't think the lockup on the barrel was that good the cfr is all one piece seems really good the YouTube review was pretty impressive I'll probably go to gun broker but figured maybe someone out there might know of a local place
That is one place I did not look. Good there is one out there for that price. Hope they have some in stock. Might think about waiting until January for an after Christmas sale.

I have a Gamo Velocity with a fixed barrel. I got the fixed barrel because I wondered how good the barrel on a break barrel type would return its position after each shot and with use. It groups pretty well with standard pellets. Good enough to bag squirrels at 100ft. if I do my part.

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